Astronomy Picture Of the Day shows a new, usually desktop sized, picture every day. apod-set-bg
is a shell script to download the daily image and set it as the desktop background. It also downloads the explanation as a separate html
Requirements: curl, tidy, xmlstarlet, feh.
#!/bin/sh IMG_DIR="$1" APOD_URL= URL_CONTENT=`curl $APOD_URL | tidy -q -asxml` IMG_URL=$APOD_URL`echo "$URL_CONTENT" | xml sel -N html='' -t -v '//html:img/ancestor::html:a/attribute::href' -` EXPLANATION=`echo "$URL_CONTENT" | xml sel -N html='' -t -c '/html:html/html:body/html:center[2]' -c '/html:html/html:body/html:p' -` FILE_NAME=`basename "$IMG_URL"` FILE_PATH="$IMG_DIR/$FILE_NAME" curl -o "$FILE_PATH" "$IMG_URL" || exit 1 echo "$EXPLANATION" > "$FILE_PATH.html" ln -sf "$FILE_PATH" "$IMG_DIR/latest.jpg" ln -sf "$FILE_PATH.html" "$IMG_DIR/latest.html" feh --bg-fill "$FILE_PATH"
Put the following in your crontab to run daily.
@daily ID=apod DISPLAY=:0.0 ~/bin/apod-set-bg ~/bg/ >/dev/null 2>&1