Thursday, July 9, 2009

alien.inline: inline C for factor

15/7/2009 updated example to match source changes

Factor's FFI is rather nice in that it doesn't use C headers, however there are still times when writing a little glue code in C is necessary (e.g. to make macro values or C++ methods available to the factor FFi). This task is made more tractable by alien.inline which enables writing C code in factor vocabularies. Said code is automatically compiled and linked to when the vocabulary is loaded.

Here is a short example:

USING: alien.inline.syntax ;
IN: inline-test

C-LIBRARY: short-example


C-INCLUDE: <string>

C-TYPEDEF: std::string stdstr

C-FUNCTION: stdstr* new_std_str ( const-char* s )
    stdstr* x = new stdstr(s);
    return x;

ALIAS: <stdstr> new_std_str

C-FUNCTION: const-char* std_to_c_str ( stdstr* s )
    return s->c_str();

ALIAS: std>c-str std_to_c_str

C-STRUCTURE: rectangle
    { "int" "width" }
    { "int" "height" } ;

C-FUNCTION: int area ( rectangle c )
    return c.width * c.height;


and output, which is no different to normal FFI usage:

( scratchpad ) "abc" <stdstr>

--- Data stack:
ALIEN: 16240640
( scratchpad ) std>c-str

--- Data stack:
( scratchpad ) "rectangle" <c-object> 3 over set-rectangle-width 5 over set-rectangle-height

--- Data stack:
B{ 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 }
( scratchpad ) area

--- Data stack:

All the parsing words. Some of them perform the same function as their analogues in alien.syntax, but also generate the equivalent C code. Each parsing word has a runtime equivalent.

sets up variables
treat generated code as C++
generates #include name
C-LINK: name
adds -lname to linker command
adds -framework name to linker command (OS X only)
equivalent to C-FRAMEWORK: on OS X and C-LINK: everywhere else
C-TYPEDEF: old new
like TYPEDEF: but generates a C typedef statement too
C-STRUCTURE: name pairs... ;
like C-STRUCT: but also generates equivalent C code
C-FUNCTION: return name args body... ;
like FUNCTION: but with a function body written in C or C++
RAW-C: multiline-string ;
insert a string into the generated C/C++ file; useful for macros and other details not implemented in alien.inline; works the same as STRING:
writes, compiles, and links generated code, then calls add-library; does nothing if the shared library is younger than the factor source file
delete the shared library file corresponding to name (must be executed in the vocabulary where name is defined); mainly useful in unit tests

The library file produced by the above example would be named libinline-test_short-example; factor would see it as inline-test_short-example. Source and unlinked object files are written to resource:temp/ and linked libraries are written to resource:alien-inline-libs/.

As of 9/7/2009 alien.inline is brand new, so there likely will be corner cases it does not handle so well. If you run into trouble, pipe up on the factor mailing list or look for jedahu on #concatenative.

Next up: alien.marshall


  1. Cool stuff. Does it integrate with deployment?

  2. Hi Luís,
    Not yet, but that is the intention.
